Managing Hitachi Ops Center Automator

Код : TSI2690

Продолжительность очно : 2 дня

Продолжительность VILT : 2 дня

Формат обучения : обучение в классе под руководством инструктора - ONLINE

О курсе

This course provides the necessary tools to automate and simplify the end-to-end storage provisioning process for storage and data center administrators. The course covers the features and key concepts of Hitachi Ops Center Automator including the Service Builder. It defines the roles and responsibilities of the storage administrators.

Hands-on labs provide the opportunity to practice the concepts learned during the course.

Для кого этот курс

Course Availability

  • Employees
  • Partners
  • Customers

Target Audience: Administration


Course Highlights

  • Learn key concepts and supported features of Hitachi Automation Director (HAD)
  • Learn the responsibilities of the global user roles and how they interact
  • Explore the Automation Director dashboard and learn to perform task management concepts and functions

Требуемые знания и навыки

Required Knowledge and Skills:

  • Basic knowledge of Hitachi Ops Center
  • Basic knowledge of storage concepts

Приобретаемые навыки

When you complete this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe Hitachi Ops Center Automator
  • Use the GUI to perform basic administration tasks
  • Perform management tasks
  • Describe the usage of Smart Provisioning
  • Provide an overview of Service Builder
  • List the steps for creating and editing service templates
  • List the steps for creating and editing plug-ins
  • Describe how service templates are release processed
  • Use Ops Center Automator Command Line Interface
  • Describe and use Ops Center Automator REST API
  • Describe how Ops Center Automator REST API can be used for integration


Content Modules

  1. Hitachi Ops Center Automator Overview
  2. GUI Overview and Administration
  3. Services Management
  4. Smart Provisioning
  5. Service Builder
  6. Command Line Interface (CLI
  7. Ops Center Automator REST API

Learning Activities — Lab

Lab 1: Ops Center Automator Navigation

Lab 2: Ops Center Automator Administration

Lab 3: Service Management

Lab 4: Service Builder

Lab 5: Ops Center Automator REST 

Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75