Pentaho Business Analytics Report Designer

Course ID : BA2000

Duration In-class (в days) : 2 дн.

Price : 1,280$ - Partners
1,800$ - Customers


This course teaches learners how to design, create and publish custom reports with Report Designer. The Report Designer is a desktop tool that provides a visual design environment to easily create sophisticated and rich reports.

In this course users will learn how to transform data into meaningful information, tailored to audience needs. Pentaho Reporting includes a suite of tools that enables the creation of pixel-perfect reports in PDF, Excel, HTML, Text, Rich-Text-File, XML and CSV.

Audience for this course

  • Business Analyst
  • Pentaho Support


When you complete this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the key features of Report Designer
  • Describe the navigational components of Report Designer
  • Connect to data sources and use query design tools to write queries for reporting
  • Add data elements and column labels to a report
  • Create report groups
  • Add group and report totals to a report
  • Add an image to a report
  • Add a message element to a report
  • Format report elements and apply conditional formatting to report elements
  • Format report bands
  • Publish a report to the Pentaho User Console
  • Add parameters and prompts to reports
  • Create a hyperlink within a report
  • Add a chart to a report
  • Use sub-reports in a report
  • Create a chart with drill down capability
  • Use a Pentaho Data Integration transformation as the data source in a report
  • Create reports using the Report Wizard
  • View reports in the library of sample reports

Prerequisites for this course

  • No technical skills required
  • Basic data manipulation skills, such as working in spreadsheets or other analytics tools, is an Advantage


This course will help students to decrease time-to-market by learning how to quickly create compelling reports using Report Designer; become equipped with reporting best practices and techniques for minimizing maintenance and increasing the speed of content creation; significantly improve skill development and maximize retention.


Content Modules

  • Working With Data Sources
  • Getting Started With Pentaho Business Analytics
  • Creating Reports With Report Designer, Part I
  • Creating Reports With Report Designer, Part 2
  • Advanced Reporting Topics
  • Using the Report Wizard
  • Viewing Sample Reports

Learning Activities—Labs

  • Connect to a Data Source and Writing a Query
  • Add Data Elements and Create Report Groups
  • Create Group and Report Totals
  • Create the Report Header and Footer, Format the Report and Publish the Report
  • Add a Parameter and Hyperlink
  • Create a Report With a Chart and a Sub-Report
  • Create a Drillable Chart
  • Create a Report With Multiple Sub-Reports
  • Create and Deploy a Report Template
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Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75