Business Analysis Fundamentals

Course ID : BA-01

Duration In-class (в days) :

Duration Online : 5 days

Сurriculum : Virtual Instructor-Led Training - ONLINE


Within the framework of the course “Fundamentals of Business Analysis” the student gets acquainted with the basic concepts and conceptual models of business analysis, classifications of requirements, areas of knowledge and tasks of business analysis, perspectives, practical methods and techniques of business analysis.

The course is based on the international business analysis practice standard BABOK Guide v.3 and provides the necessary basic knowledge for further IIBA® certification.

Audience for this course

  • Business analysts with experience who want to structure their knowledge and prepare for IIBA certification
  • Heads of enterprises and divisions
  • Project Managers
  • Aspiring Business Analysts
  • Those wishing to pass the international certification in IIBA


  • to show what the specialty of business analysis is in the light of modern standards
  • Show who stood at the origins and today supports and develops the specialty of business analysis
  • To acquaint students with the tasks of business analysis and look at them from a pragmatic position
  • To provide students with the theoretical knowledge of business analysis required for certification as a business analyst
  • Familiarize yourself with the possibilities of international certification of business analysts.
  • Provide the required number of hours of professional development for subsequent certification as a business analyst

Prerequisites for this course

Have experience in participating in enterprise development projects, especially in terms of developing technical specifications.


  • Knowledge of the business analysis specialty standard, which allows you to correctly approach the solution of business problems
  • Ability to apply the standard in practical life when solving specific business problems (from the experience of a teacher)
  • Possession of the most popular techniques for performing business analysis activities
  • Ability to look at business analysis activities from various projects (agile, business intelligence, IT systems, business architectural solutions, business process management)
  • Test questions from certification exams allow you to consolidate your knowledge and start preparing for certification at IIBA
  • Teamwork as a necessary quality of a successful business analyst


  1. Introduction
  • The essence of business analysis “in a nutshell” for amateurs
  • Attitude towards business analysis in the world
  • International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) as the founder of the standard
  • Authorized Training Provider Program and the role of the Institute of IT and Business Administration
  • A short excursion into the development of business analysis standards
  1. Basic concepts of business analysis from the positions of IIBA and PMI
  • Definition of business analyst and business analyst, or business analyst.
  • Basic Concept Model
  • Parties concerned
  • Key terms
  • requirements and designs. Requirements Classification Scheme
  • Knowledge areas and activities of business analysis
  • Business analysis concept test questions
  1. Knowledge areas of business analysis
  • Planning and monitoring business analysis activities.
  • Identification of information and collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Requirements life cycle management.
  • Analysis of strategies for proposed business changes.
  • Analysis of requirements and development of design solutions.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution
  • Test questions for each of the 6 areas of knowledge
  1. Approaches to the implementation of business analysis activities
  • Methodologies, techniques and methods. Definitions and presentation formats
  • Connection of approaches with tasks and areas of knowledge of business analysis on 3 examples
  1. A look at business analysis from the standpoint of five typical perspectives (types of projects)
  • Agile business analysis
  • Business analysis in BI projects (in business intelligence)
  • Features of performing business analysis tasks in IT projects
  • The role of business analysis in driving changes in business architecture
  • Business analysis in enterprise business process management
  • Business Analysis Perspective Test Questions

6. Requirements for admission to certification in IIBA

7. Test questions throughout the course


The presentation of the standard is accompanied by practical work in groups to make decisions on making changes to a test (close to reality) business object.

  • Working with the basic conceptual model
  • Formation and classification of requirements
  • Possible options for work within 2 approaches to business analysis.
  • Identification of risks and solution components subject to typical consequences.
  • Distribution of roles and categorization of stakeholders (RACI, Onion Diagram, Attitude-Power-Interest, Power-Interest)
  • Examples of control decisions
  • Prioritization of requirements (MoSCoW, 5-level scale) and analysis for completeness and compatibility
  • Definition of project performance indicators
  • Identification and collection of information (Brainstorming, Focus Group, Prototyping)
  • Project Support Resources
  • Assessing requirement volatility
  • Factors Facilitating Collaboration with Stakeholders (Collaborative Games)
  • Revealing Relationships Between Requirements
  • Identification of requirements for long-term and reuse
  • Formation of user stories (User Stories)
  • Identification of the reasons for changing the priorities of requirements (Fishbone diagram, Five whys)
  • Conflict resolution
  • Formation of SMART goals
  • Solution variability
  • Examples of technology and infrastructure constraints
  • Development of strategies to meet needs (SWOT Analysis)
  • Current restrictions as risk factors for the future state
  • Examples of risk treatment for all possible options
  • Definition of business system transition states
  • Using UML diagrams to describe object states (Class diagram)
  • Development of work acceptance checklists (Checklists)
  • Identification of restrictions and formation of a criterion for the success of the solution
  • Requirements Validation
  • Identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Formation and analysis of possible solutions (Mind mapping)
  • Qualitative indicators and performance indicators of the solution
Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75