Brocade SAN Certified Administrator

Course ID : SANN-exam

Duration In-class (в days) : 1 day


Duration: 60 minutes.

Number of questions: 30

To successfully pass the exam, you must complete at least 70% of the exam tasks.

A candidate who successfully passes the exam receives the status of “SAN Administrator” and the corresponding certificate.

For students of SANN-002 SANnav and Advanced FOS Features the SANN-exam is included in the tuition fee.

Audience for this course

Administrators who aim to prove their skills in administering Brocade products.


Assess the level of knowledge of Fabric Vision components, management skills and administration of Brocade products from the Brocade SANnav interface.

Prerequisites for this course

Knowledge in the scope of the courseSANN-002.


A candidate who successfully passes the exam receives the status of “SAN Administrator” and the corresponding certificate.

Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75