Introduction to Aspen PIMS for Petrochemical Planning

Course ID : RPA102

Duration In-class (в days) : 4 days

Duration Online : 4 days

Сurriculum : in-class, Virtual Instructor-Led Training - ONLINE

Price : $2 580


Build petrochemical planning models in PIMS to generate optimum plans including evaluating alternative feeds, process units, products, and markets. Develop Linear Programming (LP) structure in order to solve optimization problem including interpreting and analyzing the LP solutions. Review data tables and structures required to build and maintain a model. Understand the structures for developing typical petrochemical process units like pooling, delta based models, and compositional recursion.

Audience for this course

Build petrochemical planning models in PIMS to generate optimum plans including evaluating alternative feeds, process units, products, and markets. Develop Linear Programming (LP) structure in order to solve optimization problem including interpreting and analyzing the LP solutions. Review data tables and structures required to build and maintain a model. Understand the structures for developing typical petrochemical process units like pooling, delta based models, and compositional recursion.


  • Instruction on principle topics
  • Hands-on problem solving approach allows the student to gain an understanding of the most important Aspen PIMS data tables, menu options and reports
  • Class workshop problems are designed to illustrate how to model and resolve real world planning problems and also how to interpret and troubleshoot LP solutions

Prerequisites for this course

A basic understanding of  Microsoft Windows and a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, together with a general awareness of the interaction between petrochemical technology operations and planning is strongly suggested.


  • Learn LP fundamentals and gain familiarity with key Aspen PIMS tables and formats
  • Develop simple Aspen PIMS model and understand how the matrix structures are generated
  • Execute and troubleshoot various case scenarios and analyze information from Aspen PIMS reports
  • Perform basic economic evaluations


Getting Started What is Aspen PIMS

  • Overview of Aspen PIMS, planning and scheduling technology

Review of Linear Programming Concepts

  • Introduce Linear Programming concepts
  • Workshop: Matrix Arithmetic – Find the activities for specified variables given a partial Aspen PIMS generated matrix

Processing Economic Concepts

  • Introduce process economic concepts; marginal values, marginal cost and revenue curves
  • Explain the relationship of marginal value and DJ
  • Calculate Marginal revenue for feedstocks and Marginal cost for products
  • Discuss recommended uses for Marginal Values
  • Calculate a Break Even Value

Aspen PIMS User Interface

  • Review of Aspen PIMS logical work flow
  • Explanation of all PIMS menu options, features and functions:
    • File and Data Management
    • Model Validation (Data and Structures)
    • Matrix Generation
    • Optimization and Solution
    • Case Stacking Feature
    • Aspen PIMS Help
    • Data Assistant
    • Flowsheeter

Row and Column Names in the Aspen PIMS Matrix

  • Review the row and column naming conventions used in the Aspen PIMS Matrix

Aspen PIMS Data Tables and Table Format

  • Introduce the Aspen PIMS Data Tables and Table Format conventions
  • Aspen PIMS Supply and Demand Tables
  • Introduce the Aspen PIMS Supply and Demand Tables

Case Stacking

  • Introduce and define cases in Table CASE
  • Generate cases with PIMS-SET
  • Workshop: Case Stacking – Add Table CASE to a model with multiple cases:

Process Submodels

  • Introduce Process Submodels
  • Workshop Build a Gas Plant – Use given data to define the various process units inside a complex, including relevant purchases and sales

Yields that Vary with Feed Quality  (Base-Delta)

  • Introduction to yields that change based on feed quality
  • Discuss an example of variations in feed quality and the effect on yields

Pooling and Recursion

  • Introduction to rules for creating recursed pools
  • Review techniques used to solve the pooling problem
  • Workshop: Create a Recursed Pool
  • Workshop: Adding a New Process Unit (C5/C6 Isomerization Unit)

Composition Recursion

  • Introduction to composition recursion
  • Define composition properties
  • Workshop: Composition Pooling

Parameter Rows

  • Introduce the functions of Parameter rows
  • Workshop: Parameter Rows in Submodels – Add P-row structure to various models.

Common Operating Conditions

  • Identify and explain common operation conditions
  • Review an example of common operation conditions
  • Workshop: Constant Operation Conditions

Aspen PIMS Miscellaneous Tables

  • Introduce Aspen PIMS Miscellaneous Tables

Common Mistakes

  • Review commons mistakes made when using Aspen PIMS
Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75